my early apology

Yes. I’m under loads of stress. I’m getting random ass severe head aches, migraines, chest pains and stomach aches (chest pains not helped by the fluid gathering in my lungs… I feel like I’m getting pneumonia again so let’s all hope I’m not. And yes, I’ve had it 6 times, I know what pneumonia feels like.). All of this is stress related (cept the maybe pneumonia which is from me not eating or sleeping right and being out in bad weather and from my immune system being weakened… which is from stress… so okay it’s all stress related by proxy).

The jist of it chances are you’ll all say something normal to me this week that will rub me the wrong way and send me into a rage and make me yell and be a bitch at you. Please don’t take it personally, and for the love of God, if you know what’s good for you (and me), swallow your pride and don’t yell back. I know it’s a lot to ask, but I would be eternally greatful if you could do this for me.

I’m not sleeping or eating right right now and I’m under an immense amount of stress. I keep having these severe ass mini meltdowns. My lack of sleep and my blood sugar being all roller coastery are going to make life interesting. So just bear with me here and sorry in advance.

(I wonder if it’s bear or bare or some other zany ass spelling?)

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