Archive for May 13, 2008

this is who i really am.

I feel bipolar today. My environment was bipolar today. I wore far too much eye liner today. Today I did what I do everyday; had a day basically free from anything problematic and ended up sitting up late wishing I was talking to people because for no apparent I’m in a bad mood.

Fuck this.

i’m not really fussed. doesn’t matter to me…

Except, oh yeah, it kinda sorta does. Today it’s gorgeous out and my mother decides to take her bad morning out on me. She also came to wake me up telling me it was 4:30 in the afternoon. It was 9:45. Apparently waking up at 9 or 10 in the morning being okay actually means I should really be up before 9 and if not 9 at the latest or I’m going to hell.

Four hours of school work? How aboutĀ four hours of shut the fuck up bitch.

God damnit… I’m in one of those moods today. Stay out of my way. It’s for your own good.
[I’m obviously not going to physically or purposefully hurt you, but never the less…]

Sometimes you’re just not okay.