Archive for October 7, 2007

screams, “to hell with you”

I’m having a good life. My birthday is in a week and I get my license in less than 2 weeks.

I’ve come to find over the last few days several things. [I will list 3 because, honestly, I feel like it.]

1: 99% of the world is comprised of selfish assholes. Grow up.

2: Me being opionated and saying what’s on my mind and doing what I want has a habit of making people mad at me. I consider other people’s feelings more than most people I know though. Seriously, what the fuck you guys. Don’t take advantage of people’s good nature.

3: At least half the guys that hit on me have girlfriends. Seriously. I was in Newville this weekend and both the guys that kissed me had girlfriends and the other ones that hit on me, most of them had girlfriends. I can only think of 2 who didn’t. What the fuck. Honestly.

Tis all a little ridiculous. This whole life thing.

But I’m honestly happy most of the time anymore. Sure, I get down and I have my bad days. I still choose not to hide that. But when you see me being happy NOW, 9 out of 10 times it’s not fake happy. It’s real.

It’s me. I’m amusing and charming and grounded and a little conceited (better than having no self esteem) and somewhat cynical and bitter sometimes. I’m just me. I like me.

The rest of you can such my metaphorical cock.